Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Languages of the Eleven Kingdoms

There are many languages in the Eleven Kingdoms.

High Imperial - The language of the long lost Empire of Man.  While found in many old ruins, it is only spoken by a few sages, and by the priesthood of the Imperial Churches, as many of the holy texts of the faith are written in High Imperial.   Even the "Black Counts" of Tenpenny Bay, famous for their long usage privately of High Imperial, have mostly reverted to more modern languages.

Common (Vulgar Imperial) - a debased version of High Imperial.   While it cannot be used for complex speech, it is used daily for basic trade and directions.   Everyone will know enough Common to carry out basic speech.

Coranan - A modern language descended from High Imperial, it is the most common languages in Coranath, Sudaum, and Highrock.   It is also common (40%) in Whitetower)

Duranum - A isolated language that is spoken in Deca and Dunvale.

Infernas - Many times translated as "The black speech" this is the unique language of Blackgate and the surrounding lands.

Paish - Spoken in the eastern kingdoms of the Kingom of the East and Greygarden.   It is also common in Whitetower (40%)

Vikish - Spoken in the Viklaw, it is generally split between Eastern and Western branches, which are intelligable to each other, where Western is spoken by newer arrivals, and Eastern from families that have lived in the Viklaw for more then a generation.

(Note: Whitetower speaks 40% of Coranan and Paish, and 10% Vikish and Duranum.)

In addition, there are minor languages that may be discussed later, such as cants and other rare or dead languages.

1 comment:

  1. Again very nice & an inspiration as I develop my own setting.
