Thursday, December 20, 2012

New Monster - Deathwalker (LL)

Critter for use - if you want to put this into a collection, you must contact me and get written permission.  

Labyrinth Lord (LL) Stat Block

No Enc.: 1d4
Alignment: Chaotic
Move: 90’ (30’)
Armor Class:6
Hit dice: 6+1
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d4 or weapon
Save: F10
Moral: 10
Hoard: XIV
XP: 200

Tunnels and Trolls (T&T) Stat Block
MR 93
 Combat dice 10D + 46

These are feared creatures of legend in the North. They appear to be tall female humans with yellow cat-like eyes, dusky skin, a strong brow-line, and elven style ears. They generally live in small caves, huts, or even small strongholds. If approached they will be friendly, offering hospitality unless attacked, and are very intelligent. They have two powers that they will offer to anyone who approaches them
1) They can raise the dead, be it a dead sheep or a loved one, for three of the same kind that is younger then the dead. (So, for prized pig, three piglets must be given to them, for a human, three humans of a younger age, and so on). They will offer this deal to anyone who may be in need of it.
2) They can produce a potion that will lower the age of the drinker by five years. In return they need a member of the same race that is at least 10 years younger than the drinker.
(Any animal or persons who is so offered will have their life-force drained (taking 1d4 days) and once dead, will be eaten)

The unsaid part of the bargain is the drinker or the person being raised will have the spell “Quest” cast upon them, but not to go in affect for six months, so it is never suspected the Deathwalker cast it. (The nature of the quest is up to the Labyrinth lord choice, and the player does get a saving throw.) Many times, the quest is to get the Deathwalker a magical item.

It is unknown how Deathwalkers reproduce, though it rumored that it involves the magical conversion of a young child. Deathwalkers are generally solitary creatures, but sometimes 1-3 additional Deathwalkers will be present and call the eldest “Mother Walker”. Deathwalkers fear moving water like streams and rivers and will not cross them (unless frozen over), but can swim in pools and lakes.

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